Database of
Organic Production
Unified producers and processors with data on the types of primary and processed organic products, their quantities, the standards for which they are certified, and other important information are the content of the database of organic production in Serbia at which Serbia Organika created, with the support of the USAID Project for Competitive economy.

Thinking of Us
#IGrowYourFood is the first global action campaign launched in 2019 by the International Association for Organic Production – IFOAM in honor of people engaged in sustainable growing and processing of food in harmony with nature. From 2021, our producers actively participate in this campaign and contribute to making the messages of organic producers heard even more strongly.

The Marketing Information System refers to the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, storage and dissemination of the market information, from both the internal and external sources, on a regular, continuous basis.This platform was developed within the OT4D (Organic Trade 4 Development in Eastern Europe) project, which is supported by SECO and implemented by IFOAM – Organics International in collaboration with the Helvetas/FiBL consortium.

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Organic production in
Serbia at a Glance 2020
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- Data on organic production
- Sector overview
- Market
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